6/12 Gable roof, 220ft width, Right hand swing door
7/12 Gable roof, 20ft width, Left hand swing door
7/12 Gable roof, 22ft width, Left hand swing door
6/12 Gable roof, 20ft width, Left hand swing door
6/12 Gable roof, 20ft width, Left hand swing door
8/12 Gable roof, 12ft width, Garden doors
4/12 Gable roof, 20ft width, Left hand swing door
7/12 Gable, 24ft width, Left hand swing door, 10ft wall
6/12 6able roof, 22ft width, Left hand swing door
6/12 Hip roof, 18ft width, Garden doors
6/12 6able roof, 22ft width, Left hand swing door
6.5/12 Reverse 6able, 24ft width, Left hand swing
door, 9ft wall
4/12 Reverse 6able, 34ft width, Left and Right swing door
Window and Door Layout  (Things to consider)
- This is what you will see looking from your house,
- Limited by building restrictions.   See Edmonton Bylaws under
"Getting Started"